2022 FMRHSAA Golf Tournament

Hooper Golf Course - Walpole, NH

Saturday, 13 August 2022

Sign in early & Wear your Jacket!

Next year let's play this game in the middle of August!

Golfweek says, "Scoring an albatross on a given hole requires that you are playing on a par-5 hole. On a par-5 hole, you would need to sink your second shot to achieve an albatross. This feat likely would require precision and luck with a second shot that most likely is 200 or more yards from the green."

Connor Prentice did it with a second shot of 126 yards + great precision. No luck required.

1st Flight - Cleared for Takeoff 0805

The Leader & her able Assistants

"Memories bring back, Memories bring back You."

Second Flight. Handsome Group.

(Maybe its the Tree.)

Best Looking Foursome on the Course.

Playing Golf...emphasis on the play.

Patti, can we come back next year?